Monday, September 9, 2013

8 Toddler Chores to get them Excited About Cleaning

Most of these chores are not actually going to get things very clean. But if you are looking for an activity that is free and teaches responsibility, then here are some ideas that my toddlers liked and why they liked them. 

 1 Vacuuming:

  • It lights up.
  • It shows how strong he is. 
  • It sounds like a dinosaur.

2  Swiffer Dusting:

  • It extends to different lengths.
  • It looks like a weapon.
  • It makes loud noises when hit against something.

 3 Swiffer Mopping:

  • There is a button on it.
  • It sprays.
  • It is light enough for a toddler to move.

 4 Washing Windows:

  • Mom uses a spray bottle.
  • That's it, anything that sprays is awesome, but you can tell them to wipe it more and you will spray it again for them.

5 Putting Toys Away:
  • It's  fun if it's a race.

6 Emptying the Dryer:
  • The clothes are warm.
  • He likes to check if it smells "nice and clean". He will even check the boxers....
  • They like to see who can grab more.

7 Moving the laundry basket:
  • If it's heavy then he accepts the challenge.

8 Taking trash to the garage door:
  • If it's big, then it looks like it's heavy.  Carrying a garbage bag full of paper towels and tissue paper made her feel as big as her brother.

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