Monday, September 2, 2013

Fun Places: Froyo+Park+Mexican

I had a froyo craving (frozen yogurt) but we knew it would make the toddlers hyper, so we scheduled a trip to the park after and finally a restaurant to fix my husband's craving. This was such a fun day trip for the kids while fixing our cravings. :)

First stop: Sweet Frog Frozen Yogurt
 The infamous Frog Mascots
Peanut butter and Nutella Froyo like her momma 
Sweet Frog has kiddie tables available.

What I usually get at Sweet Frog:
Nutella froyo and Peanut butter froyo
Topped with:
Butterfinger, Reese's, Heath bar, Oreo, Hot fudge, Hot caramel, and Peanut butter sauce

Next stop: The Park, to burn off that energy!


Last Stop: Mexican Restaurant!

We were so proud of Genevieve who told us she had to go to the potty twice. We have gone once month without diapers and we are trying public places, car rides, and walks. So far, so good, knock on wood.
 It took Sebastian a little convincing that sharing crayons was the right thing to do.
 So cute together!
She eats anything if she sees me eat it.

So apparently Hubby has been teaching her to loudly belch and then high five afterwards.

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