Wednesday, September 4, 2013

How Their Drawings Can Tell You If They Are Ready To Be Potty Trained

 Drawing circles is a fine motor skill. Toddlers are continually developing all motor skills and if they are able to draw a circle, then they are probably ready to be potty trained.  I had read about this from a baby book while I was pregnant and it turned out to be true for both of my own babies.  We started potty training at 18-20 months of age and they were both totally off diapers around their 2nd birthday.  Genevieve just turned 2 one month ago. She has been off diapers for about a month and a half now.  She does not use diapers at all, not with nights, trips, or long walks.  Below is a picture of what her circle looks like. They don't have to be perfect circles to mean they are ready to potty train.  Just remember that letting them drink a ton of water right before bed is setting yourself up for failure.

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