Monday, September 2, 2013

Review: is worth it to me to pay $60 per year. Plus, you can get your first month free. I am a certified Elementary Teacher and I think this would make a huge difference in public school systems, but for now I love using it at home and giving the toddlers an early start.

I know there are free sites out there, but I like that this site keeps track of their progress, there are no ads, and I feel that everything is in one place here. If the toddlers are bored of something, I don't have to change the website, they can just go back to the abcmouse homescreen.  Because they can stay on one website it is easy to leave them on the computer at abcmouse while I get other chores done, but abcmouse is also interesting enough to sit and play with them or listen to books together.

They get tickets every time they listen or play with something that teaches them. They can use these tickets to buy other things on the site for their pets or bedrooms or toys.

This is the homescreen and pretty much every item in the picture is a link into a new world of activities.

The variety of things to do is vast, from feeding your hamster, buying furniture, gaining tickets, reading books, listening to music, watch videos, tracing, coloring, playing with toys, decorating your room, animals at the zoo and seriously so much more.

The first thing Sebastian learned on abcmouse was the mouse and pointer tutorial.
Since then, he has been able to do many things on other sites also, like watching learning videos on youtube and skipping the ads and picking new videos from the sidebar.
 Here is an example of a room that you can buy things for and even move the windows.
This is the map on abcmouse that lets you go to school, shopping, the zoo, the library, and of course, much more.
One of my absolute favorite things is the puzzles! They go from level 1 to 10. Level 10 lets the pieces turn sideways and scrambles them so well that even middle schoolers have to work at it, not to mention that the number of puzzle pieces goes up as it gets harder. I like playing with these myself as well. The toddlers like putting it on a hard setting, watching me do most of it, and then let them put in the last 3 or 4 pieces. There are no lost puzzle pieces in your house when you play online.

Here is the Zoo map that is filled with activities, games, lessons, to learn all about animals at the zoo.

The books have different options where you can press play and it will read to you or you can read it yourself. It highlights the words and covers books from learning abc's to colors to Aesop's fables.

 The pet hamster lives in this cage that you can move and redesign, even make it an underwater cage! You can feed and water the pet and buy new things for the pet with tickets. There is also an aquarium and you can feed the fish and clean the algae and buy fun things to decorate the cage with, all with the tickets your child gets from learning.

I love this site, and I am so glad I followed my instincts on getting it. This site covers so much material that I could not have remembered to teach all of this on my own, even with my BA and certification in Elementary Education.  Honestly, there are some animal facts that I just didn't know about. If you are a parent looking to keep your child prepared and curious, I think this is a site you should consider.

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