Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Footprint Ghosts

What you need:
  1. Black and white paint (use-non-toxic)
  2. Paintbrush
  3. Googly eyes
  4. Letter Stamps (optional)
  5. Wipes and Paper Plate (for easy cleanup)
  6. Foam sheets or construction paper (your color of choice)

 What you do:

  1. Paint the bottom of child's foot with white paint
  2. Press foot onto foam paper, then immediately wipe paint off
  3. Stick googly eyes to wet paint
  4. Paint a black mouth (the white paint did not have to dry first)
  5. Dip letter stamps into your choice of paint and spell words like "BOO!" "HAPPY HALLOWEEN!" "TRICK OR TREAT, SMELL MY FEET"
Tips: If you use dark paper, your paint color for words will be light and vice versa.

These are so cute and can be framed, or hung on doorway for Halloween.  Put these in a portfolio or binder after the holidays to look back at how small their feet once were.

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