Thursday, September 19, 2013

How NutriBullet Outperforms Vitamix

I owned a Vitamix for almost two years. So when it started leaking on the bottom and getting mildew, I couldn't exchange it or get a refund because the warranty only lasts a year.  I loved the Vitamix because it was the first blender that would actually cut through seeds. I was actually able to drink fruit smoothies instead of eat them.  I didn't have to peel an apple. It was the first time I had a lot of different fruits in a smoothie. It was a revelation. I thought I would replace the Vitamix with a new one but I couldn't get over the fear of spending $400 to $500 a year on a Vitamix every time the warranty was up and it broke.  I replaced it with the cheaper $99 ninja which is such a joke and I do not know how it can even show a picture of smoothies on the box.  I think I could use a fruit muddler with better results.  I defended the Vitamix as the reigning blending champion.

Then I got the NutriBullet.  Even if you have $500 to spend on a blender, I would still say to get the NutriBullet instead.

Here are 12 reasons why the NutriBullet beats the Vitamix.

  1. It's cheaper. I got the NutriBullet system at Wal-mart for $99, not $500 like the Vitamix. It comes with a standard 1 year warranty too.  You can also get a 3 year Walmart warranty for $9.
  2. It blends just as well as Vitamix, if not better, and does it faster. It does this without the use of the giant stick that comes with the Vitamix.  Look up videos of people making smoothies with each blender on youtube and see for yourself the time difference.
  3. The container is smaller.  I would always make entire pitchers of smoothies with the Vitamix when I really just wanted one cup.  The pitcher is so big that I could never make a dip size dish of hummus or pesto.  I wasted so much food by using that big container.
  4. There are no buttons. When I started using the Vitamix it burnt out and I had to wait 45 minutes to reuse it. That is because the rules of the Vitamix are to start at a low number and then work it up to a higher number.  With the NutriBullet, there are no numbers or dials or buttons.  When you turn the container, it turns on.  You can't mess it up. 
  5. The base is smaller.  The Vitamix is pretty wide and needed a good area of counter space, not as much as a toaster oven, but too much to leave it out all the time.  The NutriBullet is so much skinnier that I can leave it out even on a crowded counter.
  6. NutriBullet is easier to clean well.  The Vitamix is supposed to be easier to clean because there are no parts to disassemble, but you are either spraying the blade from the top of the pitcher or you are filling the pitcher up with water to blend again to clean it.  I like the NutriBullet better because I can screw the base off and spray water directly on the blade. If I am making a smoothie after the kids are in bed, I don't have to run the blender again to wash it.  Also on the Vitamix, there is this impossible space to clean between the bottom of the pitcher and the spinning bottom piece. Because my Vitamix leaked, it was always dirty there.
  7. NutriBullet is quieter.  They may be at the same noise level when Vitamix is set to a 1 or a 2 but the NutriBullet is still breaking seeds and apple peel without the loud noise of a Vitamix set on higher numbers.
  8. Smoothies are colder and a better consistency.  The Vitamix can heat up so hot that it cooks foods, like steaming hot custard.  The ice in my smoothies often melted before all the seeds were broken up. I was adding more ice and getting a watery smoothie when I just wanted a frozen smoothie. The NutriBullet makes smoothies perfect. I have never needed to add more frozen fruit or ice. 
  9. Lids and cups.  I love that the NutriBullet comes with lids and additional cups.  If I want to make a pineapple smoothie but hubby wants a peanut butter milkshake, I don't have to rush to give up the blending container. In fact I can even choose not to finish my smoothie in the blending container and top it with a lid and put it in the fridge for later.  He can use one of the other two blending cups. This is great for families rushing in the morning to make their personal smoothies. There is no clean time in between using the blender containers.
  10. Comes with two blades. The NutriBullet comes with a milling blade and a regular blade. You do not have to purchase it separately like you have to with the Vitamix.  With this blade you can make flour and nut butters.
  11. Removable blade.  If I make a recipe, like homemade larabars, I like the toddlers to be able to reach their hands in the container and make balls out of it.  They can take a part in making the food.  Since the blade is not removable with the Vitamix you have to scoop out the mixture into another container and dirty another dish.
  12. Emptying the container.  The Vitamix container is for pouring out, not for drinking out of like the Nutribullet. The Nutribullet has handles that you can add to the blending container to use like a mug.  When you pour a smoothie out of a Vitamix, you have to be careful that it does not all plop out at the same time and spill over your cup onto the counter. The opposite can happen also, where you need a spatula to scrape out the contents.  Your hand will get smoothie all over it because it will be wiping along the sides of the container as you scrape. None of this happens with the NutriBullet.
I know people who spent half a grand are going to defend the Vitamix to their grave, but honestly I have owned both and I admit that I was a sucker for paying that much for a blender.  Just accept the mistake and move on.  If someone's cheaper blender is outperforming your $500 blender, it's OK to accept defeat.


  1. Wow, good to know. I've frequently looked at the Vitamix, especially since seeing it plastered all over Instagram, but have not been able to justify THAT COST! I've had my Nutribullet for two years now and love it.

    The only negatives are - if your smoothie ever overflows into the base, it's likely to get behind the plastic liner in there, where you can't clean it out and it will dry. This can't be healthy. I've seen one Youtube video about disassembling but my plastic line (like many others, in the comments there) seems glued on, therefore I couldn't remove it to clean. Also, there is now grease leaking from around the bearing on the bottom of the extractor blade assembly. From reading on the web, this appears to be a common problem. I've emailed their customer service about the base cleaning issue and will also inquire about a replacement blade - since I'm no longer in warranty and will have to see how much replacements cost.

    Great post, thanks for sharing this great information!

  2. I'll try to update if I have any problems with mine. I just saw a 20% off coupon for one at Bed Bath and Beyond making only $80. You could have 5 Nutribullets for the price of one Vitamix, and since my Vitamix didn't last much over a year, it's not like you are paying more for quality. Good luck on your smoothie journeys!
