Thursday, September 5, 2013

Googly Eye Book (Cheap Project plus Mommy Free Time)

This project is quick for mom to prep and cheap to do over and over. It also can give some free time to a busy momma.
 What you need:

  • Construction paper
  • Hole puncher
  • Markers
  • Twist ties
  • Googly eyes
  • Glue

 What you Do:

1.  Punch holes in paper.

 2.  Put twist ties through holes and wrap around finger to make a coil so that pages will turn and the book can get thicker once googly eyes are glued on pages.

3.  Glue eyes on pages.

4.  Have toddler draw faces, monsters, animals, etc. on each page.

This project can take longer depending on how many pages you have and how much your toddler likes to draw. Sebastian isn't a big fan of drawing for long periods unless he gets to use Sharpies. This project took him about 40 minutes to complete half of the book. We get to revisit it tomorrow. :)

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