Thursday, September 5, 2013

Thousands of Snack and Meal Combinations for Toddlers

If it seems like your toddler always eats the same foods or doesn't like the way a new food is presented, you can still get diversity in vitamins and minerals with these items and the various ways to present them.

  1. Peanut Butter, Almond butter, Soy nut Butter, Sunbutter (sunflower)
  2. Meat Slices: Turkey, Ham, Chicken, Bologna, Salami, Pepperoni, Prosciutto, Roast Beef, Pastrami
  3. Cheese: slices, shredded, cubes, sticks, cut-outs, velveeta melted, ricotta, cream cheese
  4. Eggs: scrambled, fried, hard-boiled, baked, poached, omelet
  5. Nuts and seeds: sliced almonds, and if they are old enough: peanuts, soy nuts, hazelnuts, cashews, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, walnuts, pumpkin, sunflower, sesame (high in calcium)
  6. Beans: black beans(a favorite snack is black beans with salsa with melted cheese, sometimes served with tortilla chips), red beans, kidney beans, black eyed peas, chick peas (hummus), lentil, Lima beans, navy beans, white beans, chili beans. 
  7. Yogurt: greek, yo-baby, low-fat, yogurt sticks (frozen of refrigerated), frozen yogurt (froyo).

  1. Tortillas: high fiber, low carb, white, corn, whole wheat, veggie
  2. Bread: white, wheat, whole wheat, whole grain, multi-grain, sprouted, pumpernickel, rye, egg bread, ciabatta, naan, cornbread, cuban, baguette, flatbread, focaccia, sourdough, gluten-free breads, pancakes, crescent rolls, biscuits.
  3. Pasta: veggie, whole grain, white, low-carb, calorie free, gnocchi, soba (buckwheat), gluten-free, sprouted.
  4. Crackers: whole wheat, seeds, 7 grain, water crackers, oyster crackers, graham crackers, rice crackers, cornbread crackers, pita crackers, saltines, bagel chips, gluten-free, rye crackers, melba, almond crackers,  rice cakes, pretzel crackers, animal crackers, baked crackers, tea biscuits.
  5. Cereals: (stay away from junk food cereals) Try granola, Cheerios, Kashi selection, grape nuts, bran, shredded wheat, Chex, grits, oatmeal, malto-meal, muesli, cream of wheat.
  6. White and Sweet Potatoes: mashed, baked, diced, fried, steamed, or cooked in soups. Keep the skins on.
Fruits and Veggies

  1. V8 veggie and fruit drinks
  2. Sauces and spreads (add pureed or small chopped veggies) for pizza, spaghetti, alfredo, mac-n-cheese, and sandwich/wrap spreads
  3. Dried Fruit: craisins (dried cranberries), raisins, apricots, prunes, dates, banana chips, 
  4. Dried veggies: vegetable chips (tastes like potato chips), veggie straws (tastes like french fries), dehydrated veggies
  5. Jams, Jellies, Marmalade and Preserves: Use as topping on breads or put a teaspoon in crescent rolls for real fruit turn-overs. Low sugar, sugar-free, and "no sugar added" options available.
  6. Veggies: steamed, fried, baked, roasted, raw, juiced, pureed. Sneak them in everywhere!
  7. Fruit: baked, pureed, juiced, raw, sliced or whole. Make desserts like pies, homemade popscicles, cobblers, and different flavored applesauces.
  8. Use as a baking substitute for oil and eggs
  9. Salsa: Verde, mango, chunky, smooth, pineapple, black bean salsa, corn salsa

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