Monday, September 30, 2013

Learn about Leaves Lesson

 What you need:

  • container
  • glue
  • posterboard
  • crayons 
  • paper

 What you do:

  1. Go outside and collect leaves together from trees, bushes, and flowers.
  2. Spread the leaves on a table and discuss the likes and differences and ask which one is their favorite and why. You can discuss different leaves colors and group them, but we live in Florida where everything is still green.
  3. Using glue, draw some lines on a poster board and have toddlers stick the leaves to the glue
  4. Have the children draw pictures of leaves. Try to draw the veins and stems of the leaves and find crayons that are a similar color.
  5. Hang up all artwork.

This project is a great way to get outside and run around, but it also teaches organization skills, same and different, realistic art, and observation.

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