Friday, September 6, 2013

Canvas Painting

 What you need:

  • Paints (you can mix up acrylic, oil, finger paint, fabric paint, etc)
  • Plate
  • Brushes
  • Canvas

 What you do:

  1. Squirt paints on a plate and let toddler go at it.
  2. Hang artwork on wall.

 How to clean up:

  1. Wipe toddler down with baby wipes or stop by sink for a wipe down.
  2. Throw all brushes and paint plate in a sink with hot soapy water.
  3. Spray table/painting area with a cleaner and let sit for 10 mins.
  4. Come back with paper towel and wipe up.
  5. Come back and rinse brushes after an hour.

This seems like a messy activity but it is actually one of the easier ones for me to clean up. It is mostly a matter of soaking, but no scrubbing. Food messes are the real troublemaker.

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