Monday, September 2, 2013

Coffee Filter Microwave Flowers

What you need:

White crayons
Paint brushes
Food coloring mixed in water (3 drops per 1-2 tbs)
Coffee filters
Microwave plate
Towel/Pan or anything you want to protect your table
What you do:
  1. Scribble on coffee filters with white crayons. 
  2. Paint watercolors on coffee filters.
  3. Fold Coffee filters in half, then in half again, then again, then again. This will give it more of a carnation effect.
  4. Microwave filters (while folded) on a plate for 1 minute.
  5. Take filters out and open them up and stack them on top of each other.
  6. Push a green pipe clean through the stack of filters making a loop at the top of the pipe clean for the center of the flower.

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