Friday, September 27, 2013

Making Hand-Print Stepping Stones


These stepping stones capture their cute little hand-print so you can cherish it forever. They have a beautiful design on the back so you can keep them faced either way. This is a tricky project so follow the directions closely to avoid having to repurchase everything.

What you need:

  • Stepping stones ultimate package. 
  • Warm water

 It includes enough for 6 stepping stones, but I made it stretch further by using a quarter of the recommended amount.

Only make one stone at a time.  You can have the mix in both molds, but only add water to one.

What you do:


  1. Get a large glass of warm water and all materials set out and ready.  Any stamps, jewels, hands, wipes, etc need to be ready to use. Make sure any clothes the kids are wearing aren't important or have them in undies.
  2. Pour warm water into mix, stir, pour some more, and stir until it looks like pancake mix. Make sure you get all the dry spots from the bottom. They include a popscicle stick for stirring.
  3. Shake the mold to get air bubbles to rise up and pop.
  4. THE TRICKY PART:  You have to time the mix perfectly.  Too runny or dry and there won't be a handprint.  I tested it with a letter stamp.  If it was too soft I could stamp it again later. Do not test it with a handprint or fingerprint. 
  5. If the stamp took, then put on the jewels, make handprint, and stamp letters.  This is the order that I liked best because the jewels were ok in softer mix and the stamps did a little better in the harder mix, while the hand-print needed to be done during the sweet spot in between.
  6. Once everything is done with that stepping stone you can start the next one.
  7. After 5 hours I was able to pop both of them out of the molds beautifully. I went around the edges with a paring knife to make sure no sides were sticking. Then I pushed up the plastic bottom of the mold. They popped up. I wiped off any excess.  Then I let it finish drying on the fireplace mantle.

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